Marketing supports your small business only as far you make it engaging for your customer – the more you make your product appealing, the more successful you can be. When you are a small business owner and have to differentiate from competition, uniqueness is key. Get creative and you should have some of the best tricks to help your business grow.

Here are some simple tips that can help you focus your marketing in different spectrums:

1. Give your customers an experience of your product.

The best way a customer can understand you is if they get a first-hand experience of how your product works. If you are into food, then giving away samples can help build your reputation in the market, or if you are a service provider giving your customers a trial of your services goes a long way in making a mark.

2. Build your network through events.

If you are a B2B provider, networking is important. Attend business conventions that matter and pitch your product. Signing up with partnering businesses that complement your business is the best network to get your business see some fresh sales.

3. Or just simply create your own event and launch your product.

Take it to the customer at a reasonably feasible venue and get your customer base growing. Best way to pitch your product is to make its need felt rather than pushing your product onto the customer.

4. Lead alongside other businesses.

When you are working alongside other complementary organizations or with your local community, you always get new avenues to brand your product. This helps customers remember and associate with your product when they can evaluate its social value.

5. Get your story out there.

Podcasts, videos, cartoons, or simple social media posts, are useful here. A customer who connects with you on an emotional and psychological level will end up promoting you on their own time through their reviews and praises for you.

6. Create a giveaway.

Just make sure everything has your colors and logo, branding stays longer when you are out there in different forms and have a visual appeal that can peak interest in others.

7. Get along and promote your business partners.

When you demonstrate your and their need, your business will also grow alongside them. Promoting products for free is hard, but if another business can vouch for you, that’s half the battle won.

8. Get some sponsors by signing up with other organizations.

If you are a business that complements another great product, then signing up with them might help you get recognized with authenticity at every event that they pitch.

9. Social media promotions.

Social media is a world of its own, it’s important that you spend some time to build your online presence so that your customers become your marketers. Explore every avenue of social media marketing to get the best results. As a beginner you can always start small and then get the big guns in to promote you.

10.  Build a social cause.

Today, the best way to pitch a product is exploring an eco-friendly avenue as products with organic value sell better. You can find your own cause that your business believes in as an ideal and find ways to exemplify it.

Last Updated on April 9, 2024