So, as a marketer you have decided you need to be on social media? You decide you want to be on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram to begin with. You feel this may be an easy task – just like you post on your personal social media profile, you just need to dedicate a few minutes each day to updating your business profile and you’re done! Correct? Wrong. Social Media Management is a science and an art. You need a defined strategy, a tone of voice, a content calendar, and other organized elements that will make your social media profile for your business attractive enough for your potential TARGET AUDIENCE to take notice and know you mean businessJ. Then again, posting on social media and forgetting about it doesn’t work either. You need a dedicated long term integrated social media strategy that fits in with your other marketing tactics. You also need to constantly analyze and optimize your social media to see its impact on your business.
What you need are social tools, tools that will help you with posting, measurement, analytics etc. Let’s take a look at least 5 social media tools you should be using.

Tools for Publishing

Publishing tools are great if you want to save time, which we probably all want to do. Tools such as Hootsuite, Buffer, Marketo, and so many others can help you achieve just that. These publishing tools help you schedule your content in days, weeks, and months ahead of time. This also helps if you decide that you want to start posting on the weekends.All these tools also come with built-in analytics and measurement functions. This allows you to gauge the success of your content.

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Picture Courtesy: Hootsuite

Tools for Measurement

All the publishing tools should have their own types of analytical tracking. That’s always good to have, but if you want to dig even deeper, then you should try some analytics tools. You can answer questions such as what kinds of people are engaging with you? Who clicked on your content for how long reading what? Some analytics tools to consider looking into are Keyhole, Audience, Cyfe, Tailwind, and Google Analytics.

Tools for Social Listening

The best social media data that you could possibly obtain is about your potential and actual target audience.. To best market to your audience, you need to understand your audience. Who are they? What do they like to do? Where do they like go to go? The first step in answering these questions is by gathering insights on these people.

Social listening tools, such as Infegy Atlas and Klout can help you connect with your people.  They analyze the online community conversations and obtain insights such as demographics, psychographics, emotions and so much more!


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Picture Courtesy: Infegy Atlas

Tools for Optimizing

Optimization is probably the most overlooked aspect of social media marketing. Optimization refers to constantly adjusting your program based on best practices, user and consumer behavior, channel requirements and analytical measurement.

When you are considering social media optimization, you have to get scientific with your posts. Examples of this would be to know and understand your Facebook post insights – when you know that video posts under 1 minute perform better than the long form videos and vs text based posts, you know that in order to get more clicks and engagement you should consider more video posts on Facebook. There are not too many tools to help you with this, except the company called Co-schedule. They have a “Social Message Optimizer” that helps you formulate your message for each specific channel.


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Picture Courtesy: Co-Schedule

Tools for Creation

These tools are not only helpful, but a lifesaver on time. It’s perfectly acceptable to use Adobe Photoshop or Illustrator, but when creating posts for the web, it can be a little tricky. Everything must be in certain dimensions and you might not always find reusable content. That is why creation tools, such as Canva and Keynote were made. They will help you create inviting and engaging posts and also have built in templates for social media platforms.

These are all tools that social media marketers need to take into consideration. They are all important and useful in their own unique way. So next time you think about utilizing social media for your business, consider the above points, Formulate a strategy, and understand what tools you may need to be successful. Or better yet, get MantraM Digital to do it for you!

Last Updated on April 9, 2024