Knowing your moves can make all the difference.

Many people enjoy the ease of instant online sharing of data, images, and videos through social networks to keep in touch with friends and family.

However, not many are fully aware of the privacy concerns associated with all this sharing.

We have compiled a list of 7 things you MUST check before posting online to ensure you do it right.

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1. Think about your audience.

Understanding your demographic is crucial.

This covers things like their age, the region of the nation they reside in, the music they are listening to right now, etc.

Knowing who you speak with will help you tailor the message to their preferences.

Gaining the audience’s support and appealing to their preferences will be easier the more you understand them.

2. Consider your post before making it.

Does the post aim to promote your perspective or content?

If it’s the latter, you might want to text a friend about it.

We can engage with individuals on explore pages that we otherwise wouldn’t be able to.

That post may anger an influencer, in which case the commercial opportunity might be lost.

Remain mindful and impartial when discussing contentious issues.

The message of your video should always be the focus.

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3. Think about the presentation.

Initial impressions matter a lot.

Content creators should wear family-friendly apparel and use as little profanity as possible in their articles to appeal to the widest range of audiences.

Presentation is essential; a well-respected new video creator will also gain more followers and listeners.

4. Is it Shareable?

Do people find your content intriguing enough to recommend it to their friends and family?

Have you adequately packed it so that others can use it?

If you follow the entire list, there’s a good possibility this one will be shareable, so put it last.

Make sure the content you post is either amusing or instructive.

Will the content you upload teach your viewers anything? Will they find it enjoyable to read?

To make a post shareable, it is best to make it intriguing, instructional, or entertaining. If you can complete all three, you have a winner!

5. Is it Relevant?

Does your audience find the content you post relevant?

Does the message you’re attempting to convey solve an issue for your audience, or does it enhance their innate behavior?

Make sure the subject matter of your work is something that readers can identify with and may find engaging.

For instance, if you work as a personal trainer, people want to know how to get in shape and stay healthy.

Giving them that is your responsibility.

Because they consider you to be an authority in your profession, they are following you. Prove it to them!

You’re maintaining your expert status by publishing pertinent stuff.

Finally, it’s more likely to start a conversation, which is the whole point of social media!

6. Is it simple, and are keywords easy to understand?

It all comes down to this: Can your audience understand the terms you’re using? Questions for yourself to consider are:

Does my post lack clarity?

Am I utilizing long, technical terms?

Do I utilize too many acronyms? Haha

Having said that, is it possible that your readership is appropriate for the slang and acronyms you use?

If you know your audience well, you should be aware of the terminology that appeals to them. By using relatable words and phrases, you can ensure that your audience understands what you’re saying.

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7. The Power of Visual Content

Visual material is fantastic on social media platforms.

Videos and visuals catch people’s attention.

Pictures are liked twice as much as text updates.

Links and text postings combined are shared double as often as videos!

Therefore, even if all you are posting is a text post, ensure it has a relevant image! It will draw interest from others.

Related article: 15 Social Media Post Ideas for Nonprofits


You can see how these suggestions are related to one another. Your audience members likely communicate with their friends and family on social media.

They want no part of you showing up and trying to upsell their stuff.

You’ll be great if you follow these seven steps when publishing on social media.

You’ll stand out because very few businesses do this.

Are you interested in knowing more and reaching many specific viewers with your YouTube video? Click the link below:

Last Updated on October 8, 2024