Facebook Ads – it’s not “if” but “when” and “how”.

Facebook ads are essential for all businesses to build reach and engagement and leads, more important for small businesses. It’s no longer – “should I run Facebok ads”, its “when and how should I run them”.

Imagine putting up a gorgeous billboard on a deserted highway – that’s what running great ads at the wrong time feels like. Let’s find the rush hour for your audience!

There’s tons of advice out there about the “perfect” posting time, but it can be confusing. Studies seem to contradict each other all the time.

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We’ll show you how to choose the best times to reach your audience, plus all the other essentials like ad types, budgeting, and tracking your results.

How to determine the best time to run Facebook ads?

It all boils down to knowing your business, your industry’s quirks, and of course, your ideal customer.

Think about it – you wouldn’t advertise snowblowers in July, right? But it goes beyond common sense.

Did you know Mondays are online shopping gold for retailers, while weekends are quieter? Apparently, it’s all thanks to the “paycheck effect!”

Knowing industry trends is cool, but truly nailing it requires getting to know your business like the back of your hand:

  • What days do you get the most sales?
  • When do your blog posts get the most love/likes?
  • Are there peak times for email sign-ups?

By keeping an eye on these details, you can determine your timing formula for your Facebook Ads!

Timing is everything!

Before you launch your next Facebook Ads campaign, check out these important factors to consider:

1. What’s your Facebook ad aiming to achieve?

Are you trying to get people to visit your awesome brick-and-mortar shop? Then blasting ads outside opening hours wouldn’t make sense, right? It’s the same with lead forms – you want people to have time to engage and fill them out.

2. Who are you hoping to reach with your Facebook ads?

Think about your ideal customer. Are they superheroes juggling work all week? Maybe target them after hours when they can finally breathe. Or maybe they’re busy parents who conquer chaos all week. Weekends might be their golden window for seeing your message.

3. What are your customers up to these days?

Things change faster than ever online, so stay alert!

People are shopping on their phones all the time – 41% do it daily or weekly! As a Facebook advertiser, that means keeping your presence strong to catch every chance to make a sale.

Basically, track how your audience behaves online and adapt your Facebook Ads strategy to be there when they’re ready to buy!

Related article: 9 Tips for Crafting Effective Weight Loss Facebook Ads

4. What’s trending online?

Don’t forget to peek at what’s trending on social media before you unleash your Facebook Ads! Apparently, Sundays are online shopping gold (who knew?). But every industry is different. You might need to experiment a bit to find the timing that works best for your brand.

Basically, stay in the loop about what’s hot online, and you can seriously boost your Facebook Ads’ success!

5. Facebook Ads Manager

Facebook Ads Manager isn’t just for creating campaigns. It’s like your own personal time travel machine for ads! You can see how ads launched at different times performed, so you can adjust your strategy for future campaigns.

Plus, Facebook Page Insights lets you peek at how your regular posts perform. Basically, Facebook gives you all the intel you need to find the perfect timing for your Facebook Ads!

6. Google Analytics data

Google Analytics is like a website detective agency! It can give you data about your visitors, including when they like to browse.

For example, you may discover that your customers check out your products all week, but wait until the weekend to actually buy.

With this useful information concerning a subject of interest, you can adjust your Facebook Ads timing and messages to target those weekend warriors and boost your sales!

By analyzing all this website visitor data (traffic, bounce rates, session times, even purchases!), you can identify the peak times for your audience and optimize your Facebook Ads to be there when they’re most likely to convert.

Now, we’ve got a ton of data to figure out the best timing for our Facebook Ads. But what do the people on Facebook actually think?

Listen to what they say.

Community Insights on Facebook Ads Timing

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Best Practices on Running Facebook Ads

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Related article: 25 Important Facebook Advertising Terms For Small Business Owners to Master


Developing a winning Facebook Ads strategy takes time and experimentation. By consistently testing, analyzing, and refining your approach, you’ll unlock the power of Facebook Ads to achieve your marketing goals.

Remember, the key to success lies in understanding your audience, crafting compelling creatives, and utilizing data-driven strategies. By following these best practices and staying in tune with your community, you can turn Facebook Ads into a powerful tool for brand growth.

When Paid Ads are done right, you can Attract Attention & Turn Viewers into Valued Leads. Let us help you set up and run Facebook ads for your small business.

Last Updated on September 17, 2024