Did you know that your digital content strategy is a covert recipe for online success?

You can attract visitors to your website naturally, get your brand noticed everywhere, turn website visitors into potential customers, and ultimately get sales.

But for many small business owners and solopreneurs, creating this recipe can feel overwhelming.

There is not only the type of content to think about, it’s also who you’re reaching, when and what to post, what platforms to use, how to measure success…this can get overwhelming very quickly.

You can break this down into many small steps, which we are about to show you.

But first, what is a content strategy?

Digital Content Strategy

It’s how you create top-notch content for the people you’re trying to reach, consistently across all your digital channels.

Think blog posts, videos, podcasts, infographics. Basically, it’s your plan to deliver smooth and consistent experiences for your target audience at every stage of their journey towards becoming a customer.

The key is to make sure it reflects your business goals. So whether it’s social media posts, an online store, or even a mobile app, your digital content strategy should have the right tools to get the job done!

7 Steps to Launching Your Digital Content Strategy

When your strategy is tailored to each platform you use, you can create content that’s specifically designed to shine there.

This means more people engaging with your stuff, reaching a wider audience, and ultimately, turning those viewers into fans (and maybe even customers!).

Plus, a personalized strategy keeps your target audience in mind.

Whether you’re on Facebook, Instagram, or any social media platform, you can deliver content that your ideal customers will actually find interesting and valuable.

1. Who are you making this digital content for?

It might be tempting to just brag about how awesome your company is, but that’s what your sales team is for.

The key to killer content marketing is creating consistent, high-quality content that your target audience actually cares about.

Think of it like this: You wouldn’t show up to a friend’s party just talking about yourself all night, right? You’d chat about things they’re interested in!

By putting your audience first, you create content that resonates with them and builds real connections.

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So, back to the big question: Who are you making this digital content for?

Figuring this out is the key, so take some time to get to know your audience like a friend!

Here are some ways to do this:

  • Customer Personas: Imagine detailed profiles of your ideal audience members, their interests, challenges, and online habits. (Think of them as friends you want to create content for!)
  • Monitor your competitors: Use website analytics and sales data to see who’s already interacting with your brand and what they’re looking for.

But it’s not just about demographics! Think about the problems your content solves. What questions might your audience be searching for online?

By understanding their needs, you can create content that speaks directly to them. It’s like having a conversation, not a lecture!

The better you understand your audience, the more successful your digital content strategy will be!

They’ll be saying “finally, something that gets me!” and you’ll be building real connections.

2. What do you want to achieve with your digital content?

Let’s take a quick step back and figure out what you want to achieve with your digital content game plan.

Maybe you want to get your brand name out there more (brand awareness), turn website visitors into potential customers (lead generation), or boost those sales numbers (cha-ching).

The key is to set goals that are SMART:

  • Specific
  • Measurable
  • Achievable
  • Relevant
  • Timely

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Instead of saying “get more website traffic,” aim for something like “increase website traffic by 25% in the next 3 months.”

Think of it like tracking your progress in a game! You want to know what metrics to measure at each stage so you can see what’s working and keep giving your audience the best online experience possible.

Another thing to consider is your brand’s online personality. What kind of vibe do you want to put out there? Think about your brand voice and values.

By getting clear on what makes your brand special, you can create content that feels genuine and consistent across all platforms.

Basically, setting goals and defining your brand voice is like building a roadmap for your digital content!

It helps you create content that relates with your audience and gets you closer to achieving those content marketing wins.

3. What Type of Your Digital Content You Want to Create?

Blogs are the reliable go-to in the content world! And they totally deserve a spot in your content strategy.

But guess what? There’s a whole wardrobe of other content options to explore! By mixing things up with videos, infographics, quizzes, and more, you can keep your audience engaged and make your content even more powerful.

Each type of content has its own strengths. Videos can explain things in a fun way, infographics make complex topics easier to understand, and polls and quizzes help you connect with your audience on a deeper level.

The key is to choose content formats that fit your brand and your goals. Do you want to showcase your expertise? How-to videos might be perfect!

Building an email list? Newsletters are your friend!

The more creative you get, the more your audience will love you for it. So have fun exploring all the content options out there and build a strategy that makes your brand shine!

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4. Choose the Channels for Distributing Your Content

First, think back to your audience.

Where do they hang out online? Which social media platforms do they hang out on the most? Do they like getting emails or prefer texts? Are they into reading blogs, or do they love listening to podcasts?

Knowing their preferences is key to picking the perfect channels.

Next, consider the type of content you’re creating.

Short and sweet updates like memes and infographics work great for social media, while longer explanations and tutorials might be better suited for your blog or YouTube channel.

Think of it like fitting the right puzzle piece into the right spot!

There are two main types of channels to consider:

  • Owned channels: This is your website, email list, and blog – places you control completely.
  • External channels: Think social media platforms like Instagram and Facebook, podcasting apps, or even other websites.

The best approach? A mix of both! Social media helps you reach new people, while your own channels let you build relationships and turn them into fans (and maybe even customers!).

Finally, be honest about your resources. Can your team handle managing a ton of different channels? It’s better to focus on a few and do them really well than spread yourself too thin.

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5. Review and Improve Your Strategy

You’ve built your digital content strategy, but how do you know it’s working?

There are special tools like Google Analytics or social media trackers that can show you things like:

  • Website Visitors: How many people are checking out your content?
  • Engagement: Are they sticking around and reading, or bouncing away faster than a rubber ball?
  • Social Media Buzz: Likes, comments, shares – is your content sparking conversations online?
  • Conversions: Are people taking the actions you want them to, like signing up for your email list or making a purchase?

By tracking these metrics regularly, you can see what’s working and what’s not. Maybe a blog post is a superstar at attracting visitors, but they’re leaving right away. This might mean you need to make the content more engaging.

And don’t forget about SEO. SEO helps people find your content online. Are you using the right keywords throughout your website and social media posts?

By keeping an eye on these things, you can fine-tune your digital content strategy and make it even more effective! It’s all about learning and growing to create content that your audience loves.

6. Set Up (and Follow) a Publishing Schedule

It’s all about having a posting schedule and sticking to it.

This is the roadmap for your content. A good schedule keeps you organized, helps you avoid any last-minute scrambles, and lets you see where you might have gaps to fill.

There are tons of tools out there to help you stay on track.

There are free templates and even simple spreadsheets you can use to get started.

Even an Excel doc can be your content calendar bestie!

The key is to find a system that works for you and stick with it. The more consistent you are, the more your audience will know what to expect and keep coming back for more!

Free Guide: Content Calendar Ideas For 365 Days

7. Promote your Content

Now that you’ve created your content, but how do you get people to see it? SEO is like helps people find your content online.

Here are some ways to do it:

  • Email Marketing. Let your email list know you’ve got something awesome to share. (Bonus points if you’re building your email list with your content!)
  • Social Media. Share your content on platforms like LinkedIn, Facebook, Instagram and Twitter. These are great places to connect with your audience and even reach new people who might be interested.
  • Guest Posting. Become famous for writing on other websites and blogs! This lets you share your ideas with a whole new audience, and you can even link back to your own content for an extra SEO boost.

By promoting your content actively, you can get more eyes on it and make all your hard work pay off! It’s like having a secret weapon for digital content success.


Hiring a content strategy agency is a smart way to make sure your digital content strategy takes off. The Mantram Digital has the tools and experts you need. Our Social Media And Content Strategy Services include a full content audit and a custom content calendar plan.

Interested? Set up a free consultation today!

Last Updated on July 25, 2024