What are Facebook Ads and the Audiences?

Facebook Ads Targeting Method can only be seen by people with Facebook accounts.

Ads appear in the news feed of Facebook, Messenger, and non-Facebook websites and apps. They’re available in various formats – single images, videos, slideshows, etc.

Facebook Audiences are people or markets you want to reach and target in your ad.

Facebook Ads allows you to create and choose the demographics, locations, and interests of your market so that they can get the foremost significant advertisements.

Additionally, Facebook ads are sponsored communications that companies post on Facebook.

This allows you to write in your voice and can be tailored to particular audiences, general or broad.

Why You Should Use Facebook Ads?

According to statistics, Facebook will be the largest social network in the world by the second quarter of 2021.

Facebook became the first social network to achieve one billion active users in the third quarter of 2012. The number of times a user has logged onto Facebook in the last 30 days is known as an active user.

Last January 2021, the business estimated that 3.51 billion people use at least one of its essential products (Facebook, WhatsApp, Instagram, or Messenger) monthly.

Almost 96% of social media marketers believe that Facebook provides the best return on investment (ROI) of all social media platforms.

What are the Types of Facebook Audiences?

There are three types of Facebook Audiences, each with advantages and different purposes.

Keep reading to find out more:

1. Facebook Saved Audiences

Saved Audiences are built on including or excluding people on Facebook based on demographics, interest, and behavior, by which you can target users based on their age, location, interest, and gender.

A saved audience is an audience you can create, save, and use again in other campaigns.

If you know your target market demographics, a.k.a your customer avatar, you can use that info to create an audience for your campaign, which you can store for future campaigns.

A saved audience, also known as a core audience, can be used in various cases.

Usage of Facebook Saved Audience:

First of all, it’s suitable for businesses that are starting their marketing on Facebook.

Core Facebook Ads target audiences can help them explore the market, gather data to conduct further and more advanced campaigns and experiment with Facebook targeting options.

Secondly, this option can be helpful as a target group for creating Lookalike Audiences.

Facebook provides many possibilities for mixing types of Facebook Ads target audiences so that a well-tailored core audience can be beneficial.

There are hundreds of ways to target people; with saved audiences, you set the rules for where your ads are to be delivered.

Adjust your target audience to be as broad or well-defined as you like based on the following demographics.


You can target users by state, country, zip code, etc. It can also be specific by expanding your country, where they work, and include and exclude based on your target preferences.


Demographics means data relating to your customer avatar, which you can choose based on gender, age, job title, income, marital status, education, job title, and life events.


Interest-based targeting allows you to reach specific audiences by their interests, the pages they have liked, their business industry, family relationships, lifestyle, and other related topics.

Interest is a great way to reach clients with specialized interests and hobbies.

To get the best solutions, you can browse the interests of your target market in the “suggestions” menu to find the most suitable options and make your targeted ads more relevant.


Targeting the behavior of your target market can also be very helpful.

It allows you to target people who have accomplished a specific action, such as purchasing your product, celebrated activities, frequent travelers, and device usage.

This is one of the most profitable ways to target, as, for example, you might show ads to people who recently visited your website’s pricing page or subscribed to your blog, purchase behavior, and activities.

Because of the extensive range of possible behaviors marketers have a fantastic opportunity to show relevant ads and enhance conversions.

2. Facebook Custom Audiences

Custom audiences can be used in conjunction with the Pixel.

By adding Facebook tracking pixels to your website, you may watch user’s behavior on your page and use that data in your campaigns.

As a result, you may modify your Facebook Ads for those who have visited your website.

They have completed other actions online, such as browsing the pricing page, purchases, sign-ups, adding to a shopping cart, and more.

Custom audiences are the most effective, which allows you to upload a list of prospects’ emails and phone numbers to whom you want to show your ads.

Other Benefits of Facebook Custom Audience

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You can also instruct Facebook to remove emails and phone numbers from that list if you know those people aren’t interested in your product or services.

Before you instruct, ensure you have sufficient records on your list because this option may not function well if you only have a few contacts. Facebook may show a “Facebook Too Small”  to alert you not to run ads on this list.

In short, a custom audience is a type of audience where you can get back in touch with people.

Certainly, they’re the ones who have engaged or already been involved with your business, online or off.

There are a lot of Facebook sources to create custom audiences based on interaction, such as;

  • watched your videos
  • completed or opened your lead form.
  • visited or interacted with your Facebook and Instagram Pages
  • person who engaged on your Facebook events

3. Facebook Lookalike Audience

Once you have a few valuable Custom Audiences, you can start using the Lookalike Audience option.

It would target users similar to the target you’ve defined in your Custom Audience.

A lookalike audience is a way for your ads to reach new potential customers.

You will likely be interested in your business or services and share similar traits with your existing customers.

The Lookalike audience is based on the existing Custom Audience from the source audience.

Facebook Algorithm

The Facebook algorithm uses the information from your source audiences to generate a lookalike audience.

Such as their demographics, interests, and behavior, to locate new potential customers with similar characteristics.

When creating a lookalike audience, you can utilize a percentage range to determine how closely your new audience should match your sources.

Your campaign objectives determine the size you select.

A smaller percentage is more similar to your target demographic. Whereas more significant percentages provide a more comprehensive, broader audience.

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Facebook recommends that the source audience must be between 1,000 -5,000.

However, the quality of your audience also matters for better results.

You can first run your source audiences to see if they’re effective.

For example, you may get better results depending on your goals using an already tested and proven audience rather than including all your customers.

What Does Facebook Ads For Your Marketing?

Advertising on Facebook is a primary way to extend your reach on the social stage.

Facebook advertisements are a part of digital marketing in this digital world.

It also increases brand awareness, gathers leads, and sometimes converts users into customers.

Facebook offers endless possibilities for precise targeting.

When you look into the most advanced options, you’ll discover that you can effectively reach your target audience.


Don’t hesitate to experiment with various types of Facebook Ad target audiences.

Conduct A/B testing and execute your ads on what’s working and failing by exploring the Facebook Audiences and analyzing your followers’ demographics.

Running Facebook ads is a precise science – you can do it effectively if you know how to target.

Use your budget effectively, and use the right creative.

If you need help running Facebook ads for your business, contact us here.

Last Updated on May 7, 2024