How do you know which ad platform is best for you? Choosing between different available options can be confusing. Let’s take a look at two of the most influential ad platforms: Google Adwords and Facebook Ads.

Google Adwords

google adwords

Google Adwords is a paid search ad platform. This means that the platform focuses on the relationship between key words in searches and text based advertisements that pop-up in response. The way Google Adwords works is that advertisers bid on keywords that searchers might type in so as to show up when potential leads search for specific words. Businesses bid oncertain words to ensure that their company comes up when searchers look up specific words. This is also referred to as Pay-Per-Click advertising, where the value of the advertisement is seen through how much the business pays per consumer that clicks on their advertisement. Currently, Google has the largest potential reach with 40,000 search queries per second, which is enticing for businesses to invest in Google Adwords.


Facebook is a paid social ad platform. Facebook has the highest number of monthly active users, and companies need to take advantage of that. Companies that use Facebook Ads have a higher chance at a larger reach. Its known to be a more affordable way of advertising on social media, especially when considering the incredible return on investment businesses receive. Paid social platforms, like Facebook Ads helps people find businesses based on interests and likes, hence, allowing businesses to target specific niche markets, as well as a wide audience. Because Facebook Ads are visually pleasing, they also seamlessly blend in with other content available on someone’s feed, so the audience doesn’t feel like advertising is being thrown in their face. While Adwords helps you find new customers, Facebook Ads help new customers find you.


While it might seem as if Google Adwords and Facebook Ads should be used against each other, most companies see the most ROI when using both mediums together. Using a paid search ad platform and a paid social ad platform creates a wider avenue to reach different markets for a business. If you are able to utilize each ad platform to the maximum, your business could see a significant ROI and success in very little time.

Last Updated on April 9, 2024