“In just two weeks, I got 1000 followers on Facebook.” Is that even possible? 

Yes, it is! You are probably one of those thousand entrepreneurs who want to use the Facebook page to the fullest.

Facebook Reach is one of the metrics you can consider when analyzing your data. Thus, it’s essential to improve it.

How do you maximize the use of your Facebook Reach?

We will answer those questions as we go along, but first, let’s take a look at what Facebook Reach is.

What is Facebook Reach?

Reach is the number of people who saw any content from your Page or about your Page.

In short, your Facebook reach represents the number of unique users who see your post or page (regardless of whether they’ve engaged with it).

Say, for example, you publish a post, and 250 people look at it. Your reach is 250 people. As simple as that.

This metric is estimated. Impressions are the number of times any content from your Page or about your Page entered a person’s screen.

What are the benefits of Facebook Reach?

Precisely, your reach is a combined total of not only the people who like your page and see the post but also some of their friends.

To illustrate, if your likers interacted with your post in any way, whether they share, like, or comment, many of their friends would definitely see your post!

So, what does Improve Facebook’s Reach mean then?

It means that the more people who like your page interact and talk about your social media content with your Facebook posts, the larger your total reach is, and more importantly, the number of potential clients or buyers who are seeing your page will increase tremendously.

As you can see, your reach is very beneficial for your social media campaign, so it is imperative to keep an eye on improving your Facebook reach and make it a habit to connect with your visitors – your potential customers.

But how are you going to improve your Facebook reach?

10 Effective Ways to Improve Your Facebook Reach

1. Engagement is your top priority

Engagement is arguable the most important of the three metrics to pay attention to when you’re measuring social media success.

This is because engagement is the only one of the three terms to involve the user directly.

Having someone simply see your content is one thing, but involving them and moving them to take action is another.

When your content inspires a user to take an action, that moves them leaps and bounds ahead in your brand’s “funnel of awareness.”

You are much more likely to convert viewers that engage with your content into viable sales leads.

2. Know Your Audience

Observe how your fans or audiences interact with your posts, study the time they are more likely to visit it, and the types of videos or content they saw the most.

Catering specifically to your audience will result in more engagement and increase your chance of appearing in a fan’s News Feed.

3. Use Groups and third-party engagement to increase visibility.

Find platforms where you can create an online community around your brand. Many businesses have done this through Facebook groups, and you can also establish common interest groups on LinkedIn.

Find the platform(s) where your ideal clients are most active, and build a community there.

This online community should be a place of value for your ideal clients and customers so that they are motivated to participate and engage.

For example, consider using LinkedIn specifically if your target audience is professionals.

Begin cultivating a sense of community among members that align with your brand, products, or services.

Soon enough, group members will naturally begin to recommend your brand/services to others because value and trust have been established.

4. Turn Your Fan’s Friends into Fans

It takes some effort to turn Facebook friends into fans, but it can be done.

If you’ve been on Facebook for a while, you probably started with a (personal) profile and tried to friend as many people as possible.

Then you realize you need to create a Facebook page or business page.

Now that you have created a page, what to do next?

  • Send private messages to your 10 best friends on Facebook and ask them if they will please “Like” your page. (This turns them into fans.)
  • Encourage them to write a note on your wall. (This should make the page look a little livelier.)
  • Post a note to your profile wall inviting all your friends to become fans.
  • Post a note to your profile wall inviting all your friends to become fans.

There, you have lots of friends on your personal Facebook accounts. Now you have lots of fans on your Facebook page as well.

5. Start a Contest

A like and share Facebook contest is a campaign requiring people to like your Facebook post or page and share it with friends for entries into a prize draw.

It’s a quick and easy way to grow your page, raise brand awareness, and keep your audience engaged.

Before building your contest, you should figure out why you want to run one in the first place.

Setting goals helps you accurately measure your results and see if your contest was successful.

6. Optimize Your Content

There are a few essential things to keep in mind when posting content on Facebook to get maximum engagement. They are as follows:

  • Be consistent with your content production.
  • Make sure you post content at the right time.
  • Be proactive when it comes to responding to feedback.
  • Share content that adds value.

Funny content is all the rage these days. Humor is one of the best types of FB content to use if you want to engage your audience.

Now, you may wonder, “Why humorous posts?” Wouldn’t they look unprofessional?

Well, times are changing, and people do not have the time and patience to listen to sales pitches or promotions: they simply want entertainment.

7. Practice Brevity, Be Topical, and Don’t Play Hard to Get

Brevity Is Better The longer the wall posts, the less likely they are to be “liked.”

Brevity is strongly correlated with the number of “likes.”

Keep up with the times. Messages considered topical refer to holidays, festivals, important events, etc.

Topical messages may or may not hint at the brand’s products.

Even when they allude to the brand’s products, these messages are perceived as more personable than scripted promotions.

8. Be Consistent in Scheduling Your Post

Posting more often and at different times of day are your best tactics to increase your overall reach and brand awareness.

Pages that post consistently and daily get very high page reach metrics and much more brand awareness than pages that only post a few times a week.

9. Use catchy Videos and go Live to engage your audience.

People are more visual; they enjoy watching videos, especially those that are short, quick, and digestible. And when they can watch with subtitles.

Also, going live to communicate with your audience is one of the best tactics to engage with them.

10. Optimize your content formatting and captions for Facebook

In optimizing your content, use a similar format but don’t use unnecessary hashtags or exact captions from previous posts.

Focus on formats that keep people on Facebook, like videos, infographics, pictures, and the like.

Most importantly, make sure to have an engaging call-to-action, leave a question or ask them to comment below.

Your Facebook reach is an important aspect of your social media campaign, so your product or practice must stay diligent in telling your patients to connect with you on Facebook!

So start creating content that is enjoyable and engaging.

Need help doing this? Contact us at this link.

Last Updated on May 7, 2024