What’s the difference between a Facebook profile and a Facebook page?

The short answer is that a Facebook Profile is what users create for their personal needs.

A business, organization, blog, or company typically creates a Facebook Page.

What is a Facebook Page?

A Facebook page is a public profile created by businesses, organizations, celebrities, and anyone seeking to promote themselves publicly through social media.

Facebook pages work much like personal profile pages, except they have “fans” instead of “friends.”

These pages are publicly visible online and often post status updates, links, photos, and videos to their audiences’ news feed.

Facebook pages provide a way for businesses and other organizations to interact with – rather than just advertise to – potential customers.

They also offer a simple hub of information about the page’s owner.

What are the benefits of Facebook Page in businesses? 

One of the benefits of having a Facebook Page is you will have Facebook Insights.

Where you can export and digest the thousands of rows and columns of information that can help you understand your customer, what they like and don’t like, where they are from and when they are online.

Another benefit is that if you use a Facebook Page, you can reach more potential customers.

You can also create ads that target people with relevant interests and attract new fans and customers.

You can do all of this on a very minimal budget

If you’re serious about growing your business, reaching new people, and selling your products, you should be open to Facebook advertising.

If you want to learn more about the differences between Instagram and Facebook Ads.

Lastly, you can have Business Relevant Options. With a business Page, you can restrict your audience by country and age.

You have access to moderation and profanity blacklists to control the conversation.

If you are a small business owner who wants to grow your business, especially nowadays, you probably need a Facebook page where Facebook optimization comes in.

What is Facebook Optimization?

Facebook optimization is one of the most indispensable online advertising solutions in today’s internet-driven world.

It creates a massive opportunity to generate qualified leads and traffic to your website.

We talked about Facebook insights and reach earlier, just to give you a heads up here’s an example of Facebook insights:

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You can see in this sample the information about your Page’s performance, like demographic data about your audience and how people are responding to your posts.

You can use Insights to:

  • Understand how people are engaging with your Page.
  • View metrics about your Page’s performance.

Now, the question is, how can you optimize the Facebook page to achieve results and reach more potential customers of your brand?

5 Key Tips to Optimize your Facebook Page

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1. Upload a profile photo and cover photo that conveys your message

When you upload a photo, ensure that there is clarity in what you are trying to convey to your target audience.

For a profile photo, the size should be square and with your brand color as a background.

Logos, symbols, and icons are significant to add meaning to your page.

The picture above shows an effective cover photo. When you post an effective photo, the meaning is clear, and your audience can easily understand what services they can get from you.

Make sure your cover photo is visually appealing and high-resolution and aligns with your brand’s style. It should also have a clear intent.

For the Cover Photo:

  • Desktop format: 820 px wide by 320 px tall
  • Mobile Format: 640 px wide by 360 pix tall
  • Page banners must be authentic
  • Avoid malicious, profane content
  • Keep it simple and professional

For the Logo:

  • Facebook profile picture is 360 x 360 px
  • Create a personalized logo that matches your brand
  • Choose colors that align with your branding

To learn more what is the dimensional size, you can use in your Facebook Cover photo, learn here.

2. Enable a custom URL or “username” for your page.

A username helps people find and remember your page.

When you create a  username, it appears in a customized web address (for example,  facebook.com/yourcompany) for your page, which makes it easy for people to type in the URL.

It also helps a page rank higher for that username.

Your username should match the name of your page as much as possible.

3. Be sure to have a compelling call-to-action button.

image 3 (1)Call-to-action is one of the most effective ways to communicate with your audience.

First, you let your audience express their thoughts by asking questions.

Second, use promotional videos with “shop now,” giving them the option to explore more.

Finally, put your contact information, showing that they can communicate with you all the time.

4. Enable Reviews

Most potential customers consult online ratings and reviews before making a purchase.

It can help you build your company’s online reputation, expand your search visibility, and attract more customers to your business locations.

To turn on Facebook reviews:

  1. Go to your brand page.
  2. Click on the “Settings” button on the Manage Page section.
  3. A new window should appear. Click on the “Templates and Tabs” section.
  4. Toggle the “Reviews” option to ON.

5. Connect with other Facebook pages and Engage

Leaving comments, likes, or other forms of emojis given to other posts in your community boost interactions.

Adding more friends and keeping you linked with other groups gives you a big chance to enjoy a growing community with many followers and other groups interacting with you.

Having better social media engagement means your customers have a stronger relationship with your brand.

This provides you with more opportunities to build brand loyalty, increase word-of-mouth referrals and increase sales.

These are a few tips you can try:

  • Ask questions to engage your followers in discussions.
  • Post curated content (Think blog posts, news stories, research reports, industry updates, and so on).
  • Upload short, well-annotated videos.
  • Stream live videos from (virtual) events.
  • Tag other business pages (industry tools and non-profits).
  • Upload images (Collages, quotes, team photos, etc.).

Ten years ago, Facebook audience optimization may have seemed insignificant since Facebook mostly served as a social networking platform.

The Facebook business page is designed to provide accessible customer touchpoints.

For this reason, your Facebook posts and brand engagement tactics must have an extra layer of value and empathy for your target audience.

Remember, always be professional when engaging with your followers. Make your message clear and mindful.

More importantly, convey your message by using the right images or photos to help you craft and tell the story that your audience can easily understand at the very first glance.

Use these tips mentioned above and rest assured you can grow your business and it can increase visibility and engagement with your community.

If you need a professional Facebook manager to optimize your Facebook page, you can contact us.

If you’d like more tips on how to grow your social media following, then check out this guide on building a social media presence.

Last Updated on May 7, 2024