Digital Marketing is ever-changing, and we all need to keep up.

Using a tool to manage your Facebook Page or Ad Accounts in one place can save time.

Thus, a Facebook Business Manager is essential.

If you haven’t started using Facebook Business Manager because it seems confusing or think you need “skills” to use it.

Here’s a step-by-step post on how to navigate Business Manager.

It is free to use, and you don’t need to be an expert in digital marketing just to use this tool or to set up your account.

This post gives you detailed instructions on how to set up your Manager, but first, let’s find out…

What exactly is a Facebook Business Manager?

Facebook Business Manager is a tool that allows you to manage multiple Facebook Pages, Instagram Pages, ad accounts, and product catalogs in one place.

Additionally, suppose you are an agency or have a team that manages your Facebook accounts.

In that case, it allows you to grant or complete partial access to team members based on your assigned role, such as admin access or employee access.

An Admin can access everything about your Facebook Business Manager like your ads, pixel, social media pages linked in your account, and even your clients if you are an agency.

If you are an agency and you want to use this Facebook Business Manager, you can just link your client’s account to your agency’s Business Manager.

However, for businesses, it also allows your employees to manage your account without having ownership of your asset.

To learn more about adding your team members or employees to your Facebook Business Manager, click here.


If you’re running Facebook Ads for your business and managing your social media pages or your client’s pages, you must set up a Facebook Business Manager.

One reason is that if your business has a team managing your social media presence.

You don’t want to hand over all your assets; you want to control who has given access or permission to your account.

Lastly, if you are an agency that manages different and multiple Instagram Pages, Facebook Pages, and ad accounts for your clients.

Also, with the current iOS changes, it has become imperative that all pages set up a business manager account for added security, as you can read in this article.

Now, let’s dive into the most important: setting up Facebook Business Manager.

First, make sure you have a personal Facebook account to confirm your identity and active business email.

Create your Facebook Business Manager Account

1. Go to, then click on “Create Account”

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2. Then fill out the signup form with your business information, such as your business name, your full name, and your active business email address.

3. Hit submit, get the confirmation email, then click “Confirm” on the email.

4. You now have a Business Manager account. The only thing you must do once you’ve created a  Business Manager is to optimize and verify your account.

Learn how to verify your business by uploading official documentation and proving you are associated with your business.

Want to learn more? Click here

Add your Facebook Page

Once you have a Facebook Business Manager, you can link your Facebook and Instagram Pages.

1. On your dashboard, click the “Pages” button on the left part and you have the option to Add Page, Create One and Request Access to a Page.

If you click the add page it will automatically approve your request if you are the admin of the pages.

However, if you don’t have yet a Page for your business, you can create one.

How to create a Facebook Page?

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2. Additionally, if you are an agency, linking a client’s Page requires sending a request to your clients.

You must contact your clients for faster processing.

3. Click on “Request Access to a Page” to link your client account and choose the page you need access to.

After that, you must enter the Facebook Page name or URL of that page.

However, if you can’t find the Page of your client page, click here to learn more.

Once you’ve linked the Pages you’re in charge of, you can keep track of all your posts and their associated performance metrics in one place.

This includes metrics such as Facebook reach and clicks/action, which allow you to see how well your efforts are paying off.


This tool will enable you to create a more complex ad campaign and closely monitor your ad account, insights, and Page.

Another thing: it can also improve your marketing Facebook Ads, and watching your insights will save time.

It can be overwhelming when you first log in to Facebook Business Manager.

That’s normal; there’s a lot of information, and getting used to it takes some time.

You can hire someone to manage your Facebook Business Manager or contact us if you’re busy.

Let us know what you think of the Business manager, and if you have any queries, comment below!

Last Updated on May 7, 2024