Social Media has become one of the most powerful and dynamic tools we can use to reach current customers and gain new leads. Here are our top questions on how to get the most out of Social Media.

1.  Do I need to be on Facebook, Twitter, Google+, YouTube, SnapChat, Periscope etc.?

Answer: Not at all. You should only be on platforms where it makes sense for you/your brand.Our approach at MantraM is that we will assess where your customers are participating and what makes sense for your audience and your industry. But you don’t always need to be on every platform. If your customers are on Twitter and you hate using Twitter, you don’t have to use it. You need to enjoy what you are doing. Or you can hire us to do it for you. We keep an open dialog so that you know what is happening and what is working for you.

2.  What results can I expect from social media?

Answer: That’s a common question but it really depends on your participation in each platform and your specific goals. It also depends on the level of service you hire us for.A minimal posting schedule will result in minimal growth and minimal interaction. If you are more active -as in interacting with other pages, brands, posting often, etc. – then you can have a great impact on the buzz you are generating, your sales, and the traffic to your website. Keep in mind this does not happen overnight – it takes time and effort and may include some paid social advertising costs. You also need to have a clear funnel and call to action so your social media efforts feed your email list, if this is your goal, for example.And these 5 tips will help get results

3. How do I get more followers on Twitter?

Answer: A misconception that many people have about Twitter is using it to broadcast only and not interacting with other people/profiles. Retweeting isn’t even always the most engaging – Following new people, using lists, using searches, participating in Tweetchats are all good ways to connect to new followers. Create your account profile to be attractive to your preferred audience. Also, make sure you have your most important hashtag in your bio and your website link goes to a landing page to give them something in exchange for their email. In addition, actively following and engaging in chats will grow the followers quickly.

4. How do I get more Likes on Facebook?

Answer: You can either spend your time or your money to get more Likes. With your Time you will engage other Pages, post often, cross ­promote on other platforms, and more. With your money you can run Facebook ads, or run Facebook contests. Or you can do both. Anything you can do or create that has the Facebook Like button on it that finds its way in front of people who haven’t Liked the Page yet, is a good idea.

5. How do I get more connections on LinkedIn?

Answer: Try connecting to at least 20 new people a week. You can use the Add Connections section to find people you may know or use LinkedIn Groups to connect to like ­minded people and potential customers. Incorporating SEO in your profile – using the most important keywords for your industry. Another option is to use your Headline to announce conferences you’ll be attending, new product launches and other “press release” worthy items. This will be attractive to people looking at your profile.

6. How do I update Twitter from Facebook?

Answer: There are a lot of ways to do this. You can connect your Facebook and Twitter accounts directly from the platforms or use tools like Hootsuite, SproutSocial, Buffer etc to post. I don’t recommend doing this often as each platform is unique. Rather you should, at the very least, edit the posts on Twitter vs Facebook to cater to the platform.

7. How do I get seen in the Facebook News Feed?

Answer: Pages do not show up as much in the newsfeed these days due to Facebook’s constant algorithm changes. You can see exactly how many people see your posts and sometimes it can be as low as 2% of your total fan base. In order to have your page seen more, you need to get more engagement on your Page. To do this, you will have to promote your posts occasionally with boosting and ads. Remember, there are only 4 ways to expand Reach and get seen in the newsfeed more often: 1) post content your audience LOVES to Share, 2) use excellent keywords and hashtags, 3) partnerships for sharing, and lastly 4) advertising. Remember to check the Page Insights to see which post your audience is sharing and commenting on – and do more of those!

8. Why should I pay for Facebook Ads when I’m using you to post to my page?

Answer: Facebook is becoming a pay­-to-­play space now. Almost everyone needs to spend a little money on Facebook to be more effective there.

9. How do I find my customers on Facebook?

Answer: We work with you to strategically target other Pages, encourage sharing and interaction on your page, and possibly run targeted ad campaigns and contests. You also need to have a clear business funnel where I can direct people to go. Generally, it is good to adopt an inbound marketing system on social as direct to sales is not the easiest thing to do.

10. How often should I post to social media?

Answer: On Facebook 2-­4 times per day is typically ideal but it can also depend on your audience. Twitter can handle more posts per day (10­-24) and depends on your growth goals. Posting a status update once a day on LinkedIn is good, plus using the Publishing system once or twice a month (or more if this is your main social site) works well. Posting on a regular basis (no matter how often) on YouTube is vital. And posting two or three times a week on G+ is good for SEO. Also, if you are using a live video social platform – you might need to post at least once or twice a day.

11. Do I need to blog?

Answer: Yes. ☺ With Google changes coming through to favor fresher content, many websites would improve their search results by blogging even once a month. In addition to creating fresh content, you will continually add more keywords to your site and attract new customers by blogging. You need to blog to have a place to send social traffic to and have a place to convert readers into leads. Blogging is a quick and easy way to show your social authority in your niche.

12. What should I be measuring on social media? Or how do I measure ROI?

Answer: You should be measuring what your goals are. Most likely that’s ultimately going to be actual sales, but along the way you will also need to track growth of followers, engagement, clicks to your website and a few other items. You need to put some technical code in place to track actual sales. And that is done on your website and thank you pages. Also, custom coupon codes are an easy way to track from social to sales. Growth in Fans, Followers, and connections is a decent measure of social media health, but doesn’t tell the whole story. We put reports together that give you a picture of the health of your sites, so we can work together to track sales.

13. Do I need a social media manager/consultant?

Answer: If you don’t want to do it yourself or won’t maintain it well, then yes. But don’t give the job to your neighbor’s son because he’s a young person who happens to use Facebook. You want someone experienced, who knows how to use the tools well and knows what works for businesses. Social media consultants are also up on the latest trends, the latest terms and conditions, therefore can help you save a lot of time trying to figure it out yourself.

14. What should I be doing for mobile marketing?

Answer: Social media is great for mobile marketing. Many people are accessing Facebook and Twitter from their phones, so having a mobile website is becoming more important as well. Pretty much, it’s all about how you show up on mobile. As far as doing something different or extra to be marketing on mobile, you really don’t need to since all your social marketing shows up on mobile automatically. The only thing you need to check is how images, covers, profile images look on mobile since there are some technical differences in the image sizes and placements.

15. Is there anything I can do to make this go viral?

Answer: Viral isn’t always the best thing. You want the campaign to reach your target audience, and not necessarily get a million views. Cat videos go viral because they are funny. Using humor can be a better way to get more shares. If your post stops people from scanning the newsfeed, then­­ the posts will have a better chance of being shared. So think about the ways you can get someone to stop and read your post. Is it highly informative? Is it highly emotional? Or is it highly entertaining?

Last Updated on May 1, 2024