Facebook is now Meta! 

But what does Meta mean to us or the Metaverse? How will this affect a small business owner? Understanding Meta by Facebook, how?

On October 28, 2021, Mark Zuckerberg, CEO of Facebook, presented Meta, a new brand that unifies all its programs and technologies.

What Is Meta’s Goal?

Accordingly, Meta’s primary goal will be to bring the Metaverse to life and assist people in interaction, finding communities, and growing industries.

For those of us that started on Facebook, we started with one line of text, and pictures, then videos.

What’s Next? 

The next platform will be even more immersive — an embodied internet where you are immersed in the experience rather than simply viewing it.

It is the Metaverse, and, according to Facebook, it definitely will impact every product we create.

Metaverse quality will be a feeling of presence – like you are right there with another person or in another place.

Experience The Beauty of Metaverse

“Feeling genuinely present with another person is the ultimate dream of social technology.” – Mark Zuckerberg.

Facebook claims that one can do almost anything you can imagine in the Metaverse.

Live with your Imagination

Metaverse includes meeting up with friends and family, working, learning, playing, shopping, and creating, as well as having entirely new experiences that may not be one we experience with phones or computers today.

The Metaverse is the next evolution of social connection.

Our company’s vision is to help bring the Metaverse to life, so we are changing our name to reflect our commitment to this future. – Mark Zuckerberg

Facebook Mission

Facebook aims to build technologies that help people connect with friends and family, find communities, and grow businesses.

Metaverse would be social in 3D spaces that let you socialize, learn, collaborate, and play in ways beyond what we can imagine.

In short, the vision of the Metaverse is to bring life together.

Founder’s Letter of Metaverse

Learn more about the founder’s letter of Metaverse—Understanding Meta by Facebook.

“We’re a company that focuses on connecting people. While most tech companies focus on how people interact with technology, we’ve always focused on building technology so people can interact with each other”- Facebook.

Introducing Meta: A Social Technology Company

founders letter or metaverseHow does the Metaverse impact marketers?

The fundamental idea of metaverse is to connect directly with your audience in your own space: digital ownership of digital assets.

Web 3.0, one piece of the Metaverse, is poised to connect people with places and things.

What Does It Mean?

This means if you own a retail store and currently get leads through the mobile web.

You could get new leads through virtual or augmented reality.

This is similar to the idea of virtual tours of homes in real estate to help potential buyers experience the property.

Afterward, this ability is more widespread and can be used in nearly any niche or industry.

Why Should Marketers Pay Attention?

Another reason marketers should pay attention to the Metaverse is the sheer potential for small businesses and brands.

Metaverse is a personal connection inside cyberspace: virtual reality, augmented reality, digital currency, blockchains, cryptocurrency, and NFTs.

Great Opportunity!

Accordingly, we will all be able to bring our audiences into a virtual world.

It is the convergence of the physical and digital worlds, both of which we spend a lot of time in.

In some ways, this feels like a reinvigoration of the internet from a decade ago or even five years ago.

What Kind of World Would It Be?

Imagine a world where SIM2 was a thing; you had avatars and could play video games, getting lost in the virtual world.

Additionally, it seems more connected than ever before.

Above all, it remains to be seen what other implications will have, but it will keep our eyes open to new things it will bring on the horizon.

Last Updated on May 7, 2024